Book Clubs & Reading Groups
A great read for your book club. Includes these questions to stimulate discussion about the story and important issues in our communities and families today.
“The setting is so well realized in Angelyn Voss’s riveting novel that I now feel familiar with the East Side of Chicago during the 1950s. The reader is immediately drawn into the joys and tragedy of an amazing immigrant Greek family. The first generation, while clinging to their old ways, teaches a moving lesson of forgiveness and understanding.”
Study Guide Questions
How did Sophie feel as protector of her little brother, Niko? What was their opinion of the Greek family?
What drew Niko to his father? What did he hope to gain?
Explore the contrasting personalities and backgrounds of Christina and Tom. What were the joys and sorrows each had experienced? Did they deal with them differently?
How did the story of immigration affect you? Do you have ancestors with a similar story?
What was Tom’s opinion of the Greek family? Reflect upon his reactions to meeting the family, his children’s births, and how he assumed the role of fatherhood.
Discuss the female characters in Stand a Little Out of My Sun. Are there common threads between Sophie, Yiayia Sophia, Toula, Elena Ioannou, and Christina? Do you have a favorite character?
Were you surprised that Papou George reached out to Tom when it seemed impossible? Discuss the power of family, Yiayia Sophia’s strength, and how she influenced her granddaughter, Sophie.
Do you think forgiveness is justified in this case? What situations have you experienced that show forgiveness when it seems undeserved?
What are your thoughts about Sophie’s healthy relationships with different racial groups? How does the idea of cultural acceptance play out in this story?
What did you think about Sophie’s perceptions of her pa at the end of the novel? Discuss the symbolism of the constellation clock and the sparrow who showed up throughout the story.